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Hello Parents/Guardians & Teens! 


It is with enthusiasm that we welcome you to Leadership Academy, the premier program for empowering teen leaders. Commonly referred to as "LIFE CHANGING!” by our students, we equip teens with the methods and mindsets to transform their success within their teams, community, and most importantly, themselves.


With an overarching emphasis on stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping up to lead, we educate teens to become the strongest version of themselves. Our learn-through-action format puts students into leadership positions in which they explore the tensions and triumphs of positive leadership through hands-on experience.


It is a highly energized and transformative week for our students to broaden their perspectives, increase their gratitude, and learn to live a successful life. 


Evren Gunduz, Tom Coburn, Meredith Saeger, Tara Gunduz

Leadership Academy Founders & Directors

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Important Contacts

During Leadership Academy

Sarah Lappi

Operations Associate & Parent Liaison

(781) 386-7611

Before Leadership Academy

Tara Gunduz

Director of Operations

(508) 410-6844

Virtual Preparation Meeting

This 30 minute virtual meeting is for both the Babson and Stonehill Leadership Academies. This meeting should be attended by all Students, Fellows, and at least one parent/guardian.


In this meeting we will cover:

  • Packing and preparing for the Leadership Academy experience

  • What to expect the experience to feel like

  • What a typical day looks like

  • Logistics with arrival, move-in, Commencement, and move-out

  • How living on campus works with dorms and dining hall


Each year that we host this meeting, we get feedback that it was really informative. Though this isn't mandatory, it is highly encouraged so that you can be set up to have the best week of your life and arrive prepared and confident.

Date  &  Link

Tuesday June 18

8:00pm-8:30pm EST

Leadership Academy is Screen Free


Leadership Academy is a 6-day break from the constant tether to social media. This will have a profound and enlightening impact on our students and staff. It is truly an awakening to our life and the present moment!

Option 1) The bravest students can leave their phones at home. Imagine what not having this device for 6 days will do to your focus and awareness and ultimately, your confidence and joy? We will provide staff phones for students to use to call and check in with their parents each night as they wish!


Option 2) Students can leave their phones in our secure boxes for the week and only access them when they feel they need to. Can you make it the whole week without touching it? We'll see! 


Option 3) Students can leave their phone locked in their dormrooms during the day and check back in with them in the evening.

REASONING: Being present for our shared experiences and the college environment are what make Leadership Academy a positively life-changing experience! It is our belief, as well as backed by research, that the time we spend constructing identities on social media, connecting with people not around us, and scrolling for the dopamine hit…


  • Stunts our growth in cultivating a healthy identity.

  • Negatively promotes dangerous comparisons and false expectations.

  • Inhibits our awareness of the present moment.

  • Lowers our gratitude, confidence, perspective, and happiness.

Packing List


  • Sneakers (we are active, sandals & crocs won't work)

  • T-shirts (active/athletic style)

  • Shorts (active/athletic style)

  • Long Sleeve Shirt

  • Sweatshirt (for air-conditioned rooms)

  • Underwear & socks

  • Long pants

  • PJs

  • Athletic clothing and shoes for morning pick-up sports


  • Water bottle (with your name labeled on it)

  • Nut-free snacks for dorm room

  • Medications you may need to take.


MEDICATION REMINDER: students will be responsible for administering their own medications per their doctor recommendations. 


  • Sheets for a twin XL size bed OR a sleeping bag

  • Pillow & pillow case


  • Bath towel

  • Soap or body wash

  • shampoo/conditioner

  • Deodorant

  • Toothbrush

  • Toothpaste

  • Floss

  • Tissues

  • Tampons/Pads

  • Sunscreen

  • Shower sandals

  • Contact lenses/glasses

  • Hair brush/hair elastics

  • Anything else relevant for your needs.

What NOT to bring

  • Alcohol/drugs/vape pens

  • Tobacco in any form

  • Weapons

  • Candles, incense, lighters

  • Gaming systems

  • OPTIONAL: don't bring your cell phone. Staff phones will be available for calling home as needed.

drop off & Pick Up 


Babson Week

Drop off


Monday June 24
Arrive at 9am
Arrive between

Babson College

231 Forest St. 

Babson Park, MA 02457

Pick Up

Saturday June 29
Arrive at 9am for the Commencement Ceremonies
Dorm move out 11:30am


Stonehill Week

Drop off


Stonehill College

124 Belmont St.

Easton MA

Monday July 8
Arrive at 9am
Arrive between

Pick Up

Saturday July 13
Arrive at 9am for the Commencement Ceremonies
Dorm move out 11:30am


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Life on Campus

 College Dorms

  • Dorms and floors are separated by gender.

  • Each room has 2 twin beds and each floor has common same-gender bathrooms. 

  • Roommates will be given upon arrival.

  • We predetermine roommates using an algorithm based on year of graduation, experience with Leadership Academy, and where students are from.

  • We do not accept roommate requests as this is an experience to expand comfort zones and learn to collaborate and connect with new people!

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 College Dining

  • Students & staff will be eating all their meals in the college's main Dining Hall and we are getting the exact same full service offerings that the college students get during the school year.

  • The dining hall will offer multiple options for each meal including pastas, proteins, stir fry, salad bar, a variety of ethnic cuisines, fruits, vegetables, breakfast choices galore, soft-serve ice cream machine, etc.

  • There are multiple meal choices for every dietary profile including vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, nut free, gluten-free, etc.

Safety & Health

Leadership Academy prioritizes the safety of all our students. Our policies align with the  Massachusetts Educational Summer Program Guidelines as well as the policies of Stonehill College that are implemented for their student body.

Medical Safety

  • We have a Registered Nurse on site for 24/7 coverage throughout Leadership Academy.

  • Most of our staff is CPR/first-aid certified and are equipped to help in time of an emergency.



  • Students are responsible for administering their own medications per their doctor or parent/guardian recommendations.

  • If the student requires an over-the-counter medication, we will call parents/guardians to gain consent.

  • If you would like Leadership Academy staff to possess a student’s prescription medication, it must be handed in on the first day in the following format:

    • In a ziploc bag.

    • Labeled with the STUDENT NAME & MEDICATION NAME.

    • Note on the inside with dosage instructions.


Physical Safety

  • At move in, your child will be provided with a room key and security card which will grant them access into their dorm, dining hall, and academic buildings on campus. Any civilian without a key card cannot gain access to any on campus buildings. 

  • The College Campus is patrolled by Public Safety 24/7, 365 days a year by sworn police officers. The campus is outfitted with an Emergency Call system, which is maintained by the Public Safety Officers, ensuring the safety of your student in the case of an emergency.

  • Leadership Academy prides itself on a 3:1 student to staff ratio. 

  • Each night, designated staff members and Stonehill staff will be monitoring the halls and readily available in the case of emergency.


IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY on Campus or at the Student’s home…

  • In the case of an emergency, Leadership Academy staff will follow our emergency protocol and will immediately contact 911 and Campus Police. 

  • We will provide the medical personnel with the student’s Health & Wellness information that you provided in registration.

  • Staff will contact the student’s Parents/Guardians & Emergency Contacts. 

  • If there is an emergency in the student’s family while they are at the Academy, please contact Sarah at (781) 386-7611

Behavior  Expectations

All students and staff are expected to uphold a high standard of excellence in mindset, actions, and language. 

DormRoom  Behaviors

When we arrive back at our dorms each evening, this is a time to shower, work on any reflection activity given by your Enjoy Life Teacher, spend time with your roommate, and check in with home. Once quiet hours are announced by our staff making the rounds, it is time to get much needed sleep😴


Students may not:

x Hang out in other people's rooms.​

x Switch rooms or sleep in other rooms.

Campus Behaviors

  • Leave every place better than we found it.

  • Leave every person better than we found them.

  • Leave ourselves better than who we were.

​Examples of our campus behaviors in action:

  • Early is when you should arrive at everything!

  • Network with people in a respectful way free of physical or verbal harassment.

  • Join in on every opportunity to expand your comfort zone. 

  • Organize your personal belongings and materials.

  • You should be open minded to other people’s perspectives.

  • Live a clean, healthy week free of illegal substances.

  • If you see trash on the ground or a chair out of place, improve it.

  • Free yourself of your phone and screens for this one week and be present.

  • Engage with others and give people a chance to be their authentic self!


Tell Someone

Our Staff are trained to provide you with a safe and positive learning environment. If we don’t know about something, we can’t help! Inform a staff member of a concern, question, or issue you have.

Follow the action on Instagram

Our Media Associates will be posting photos, videos, and updates of the Leadership Academy on our Instagram & Facebook account all week as well as sending out a newsletter each evening. Follow our accounts to be a part of the action! 

  • Instagram
  • Facebook

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"Leadership Academy made me feel a special type of happiness I don’t think could be achieved anywhere else. It also left me feeling excited for the future."

© 2024 Enjoy Life Education, Inc.

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