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Summer 2024

Registration Process Guide


Who SHOULD register with the button Above?

Current 8th-11th Graders who are First or Second Year Students​

  • The program is designed to be completed twice as a student so you may register with the button below if this is your first or second year participating and you are a current 8th-11th grader.


Fellows. You are a Fellow if...

  • You have completed the program twice as a student OR...

  • You have completed the program once as a student but will be a high school graduate this summer.




Completing the Online Registration will take up to 15 minutes. Yes it is thorough, but being this thorough allows us to fulfill our top priorities: student safety and program quality. This is not a cookie cutter, to-the-masses program. This is a premium and customized leadership and empowerment experience for driven teens.


You can pay the tuition in installments. You will be given the option to pay in monthly installments at checkout but you must pay an initial, non-refundable deposit of $100 because it costs us a little over $100 to reserve a student spot at the college campus.


Please consider using the e-check option at check-out to pay the tuition. We incur a lot of credit card fees that we don't pass onto you. If you could help us keep our costs down, it helps our program grow!


Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel up until June 1, you receive full refund minus the $100 deposit.

  • If you cancel between June 1 & 72 hours prior to the start, you receive a 50% refund.

  • If you cancel within 72 hours of Leadership Academy, you receive no refund.


Prepare your registration info. Please have the below information ready to go to in order to make the process of completing the registration form smooth.


Basic Participant Info

  • Cell Phone

  • T-Shirt Size

  • Non-School Email Address

(school email addresses have firewalls that keep us from being able to email students their schedules, roommates, etc.)

Participant answers to Experience Survey Questions

In order for us to customize the experience and best serve each participant's growth, please gather the participant's answers to these two questions. Responses can simply be a list or a few sentences.

1) What tools, methods, or new learnings are you looking to gain from your experience at Leadership Academy?


2) What groups, teams, or clubs are you a part of in and out of school?

Health Info

  • Physician Name

  • Physician Phone

  • Date of last physical

  • Insurance Company & Policy Number

  • Medication the participant may take

  • Immunization Records: month & year

  • COVID Vaccine info

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"Leadership Academy made me feel a special type of happiness I don’t think could be achieved anywhere else. It also left me feeling excited for the future."

© 2024 Enjoy Life Education, Inc.

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