Leadership Academy Impact
“This week truly changed my life. EVERY teenager has to experience Leadership Academy before they graduate from high school."
-Leadership Academy Teen
Teens require the self-confidence and self-awareness to develop a positive identity, the compassion and communication skills to build positive relationships, and the motivation and resilience to persist through life's challenges and grow from their experiences.
These facets make up a person's Social-Emotional Learning. Leadership Academy teaches, nourishes, and empowers all of these facets of success.
Our students Love The Experience.
Students Return
83% of students return to Leadership Academy for a second, third, and even fourth time.
Highly Recommend
95% of graduates say they would recommend Leadership Academy to a friend without reservation.
91% of students rate Leadership Academy as the most life-changing experience they've ever had. (the other 9% rate it in the top 3).
Home Grown Staff
Our entire staff are Leadership Academy graduates. They want to come back and give the experience to others.

Our Students Gain in every SEL Capacity
What is Social Emotional Learning?
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SEL is the process through which we apply the skills and attitudes necessary to manage and understand our emotions, set and achieve goals, show empathy, make decisions, and maintain positive relationships with others.
Why is SeL important?
It's pretty simple, students with high SEL capacity are more successful in life. According to CASEL, research-backed SEL programs have demonstrated both immediate and long-term positive effects on the growth and well-being of students.

Better emotional stability.
Better behavior within school and peer groups.
Better manage stress and anxiety.
Better social attitudes and beliefs.
Better mental environment for processing their experiences.
Better prepared, hopeful, and excited for life.
How is SEL Measured?
A student's SEL health is measured in six capacities:
Self Worth
Relationship Skills
Self Management
Academic Self-Efficacy
Social Capital

Leadership Academy Student Growth
Self Worth: 87%
Internal sense of positive self-worth
contribution: 79%
Capacity to give energy to help family & community
Relationship skills: 93%
Ability to take others' perspectives & express compassion and empathy
self management: 92%
Ability to make choices, take positive
risks, & persist through life's challenges
academic self-efficacy: 86%
Motivation & confidence in academic performance
Social capital: 83%
Positive bonds with people who can provide advice & access to resources to succeed

In a 2018 study Leadership Academy ranked in the 99th percentile among programs aimed at creating positive SEL growth and impact on today's teens.
99 Club
what parents say

This program is transformational. It takes youth who have a desire to do well and be happy and provides them with the skills, abilities, and vision to excel and exceed their own expectations.

There is an immediate improvement in attitude and self awareness. This is the only program that has given my child the tools required to take an in depth look at himself with unconditional support and free from judgement.

[He] has incorporated so much of Enjoy Life into his approach to friends, family, his goals, his personal discipline. What he picked up at the Academy did not dissipate as we drove away...

A program that fosters optimism, confidence and courage, and accountability in young people. Teaches them to use their role as leaders for good.
what students say.

The Leadership Academy has made me a much better person. It taught me so many life skills that help me better myself and the people around me. It’s a place where you are always accepted and encouraged by everyone no matter who you are and that is what makes it so special.

The academy is a source of relentless optimism and positivity that inspires and allows you to be your truest and best self.

“I think I believed that I would learn some helpful tips about happiness, confidence, and the works. What I didn't know nor expect was what a combination of an outstanding teacher, powerful atmosphere, and hordes of amazing people did to confidence, happiness, and life as a whole.

Leadership Academy completely changed my life.